Far too many seniors in this land of plenty are struggling with hunger. In 2015, almost twice as many were negatively affected as were in 2001. That is a fact.
So is this: It is time that we as a nation embrace this unacceptable reality and then resolve, state-by-state and community-by-community, to find answers.
We at NFESH know that there is no single strategy that will eliminate the problem. But we are equally convinced that there are specific, concrete actions that, taken together, can and will create positive changes.
Finding, testing, proving and implementing those is what REACH4Solutions (REACH) is all about.
Over the course of the last several years we have concentrated on one of them. Our What A Waste initiative has enabled senior nutrition programs across the country to optimize resources and improve services for seniors who lack access to nutritious meals, and we are dedicated to expanding it. So it will remain an essential part of our work – and of REACH4Solutions.
But REACH goes farther. It focuses on helping States, Area Agencies on Aging and senior nutrition programs ensure that they are serving those in greatest need. It means reaching beyond the kitchen operations and even the walls of the senior center to get a better understanding not just of the preferences of the clients who currently participate but also of the community from which they come. It means identifying and reaching out to their peers who could benefit most by being included.
Among our customized product offerings for REACH4Solutions are:
- Custom-developed surveys
- Asset inventory/Community scans
- Demographic Analytics
- Outreach target metrics What A Waste nutrient analytics
- Census/Community scans
- Built-environment scans
- What A Waste curriculum from What A Waste University (WAWU)
Another REACH offering is this Blog, which will come regularly to your email box and which replaces the What a Waste newsletter.
It’s a means of reaching a new level of success.