We have been deliberate in the choice of a title for this blog post …but it was not a difficult one to come up with. Over the course of the past several days we have seen those of you on the front lines of delivering critical nutrition services to America’s elders featured in local and national news stories. We aren’t surprised — either at the yoeman’s work that you all continue to do in the midst of this national emergency or at the increasing need you are attempting to address. We stand with you and we commend you, as always. We see you not only as the bringers of food but also of care, and concern, and comfort, and, yes, encouragement. So we want to do what we can to encourage and recognize you.
As regular readers of this blog know, we routinely publish a piece every two weeks. In the context of the coronavirus pandemic, we would like to change that. We want this space to become the home of an online community where we can share stories — snippets of hope — with one another more frequently. That’s because we know they are happening, because of you, in every community across this great land.
So here is what we are asking. Please share those stories with us. They need not be long. But tell us in a few words or sentences the difference your program, or one of your volunteers or you yourself has made in the life of someone in your community so we can spread the word.
If you have a photo to accompany your story, we’ll be delighted. If not, we can post something. But the point is to salute and encourage you and to let folks across the nation know the invaluable contribution and sacrifice you make. A meal at a time. A person at a time. Everyday.
Send your information in an email to peggy@nfesh.org. Then watch this space.