Age is Taking a More Important Place on Stage Again
We are all aging – every human being on the planet, and always one day at a time. That is an indisputable fact of life. It’s also a healthy and positive one, or it should be. But that depends on how we look at it. And how society has looked at that natural phenomenon...

It’s Up to Each of Us
At the end of last month (and last year) the Ninth Edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans – this one for 2020-2025 – was released. It happened, as it generally does, with little fanfare and public acknowledgement. That does not mean, however, that these...

“Are You Lonesome Tonight?”
That’s a question that Elvis Pressley made famous when he recorded the hit song by that name in 1960. Elvis was not the first to make that query, even in those exact words. The lyrics of the record, which launched Pressley’s rise to a new level of popularity, actually...

What A Difference Three Months Can Make
For many, if not most, of us and/or our family and friends “of a certain age,” it is often difficult to remember what day or month it is. And that is not because we and they are growing forgetful necessarily. It has more to do with the impact of isolation – the...
NFESH to Award Grants
This is indeed a season of Thanksgiving. It’s that time of year when we all sit back and give thanks for the things we have and for those we love. Trying times make it that much harder to do so; but do so we must. This year has been more difficult than ever for us....

Happy Thanksgiving
All of us at the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger wish you, your families, friends and colleagues a Happy Thanksgiving.

A Couple of Words Worth Repeating
No one who has turned on a television, listened to the news on the radio or read a newspaper in the past week needs to be reminded that Tuesday of last week was Election Day. Before you stop reading, let us make absolutely clear that we have no intention of weighing...

Peanut Butter and Baseball
Those folks interested in such things know that, as of Tuesday night, the 2020 Major League Baseball season and the World Series are now behind us. The Los Angeles Dodgers are being hailed as the new champions. In the context of this unusual season and unusual year...

Emergencies: Be Prepared
It is certainly news to no one that autumn is here and winter just around the corner. Nor, regrettably, is it news that the death toll from the coronavirus continues to mount and that the majority of states have reported upticks in their number of cases in recent...
Hidden Hunger of the Elderly
We are departing from our usual blog format to provide you with an opportunity to hear from NFESH's CEO Enid Borden. Click on the link below to listen to her interviewed on this week's Food Dignity Podcast. http://bit.ly/ep8fooddignitypodcast...