NFESH to Award Grants

Dec 2, 2020

This is indeed a season of Thanksgiving. It’s that time of year when we all sit back and give thanks for the things we have and for those we love. Trying times make it that much harder to do so; but do so we must. This year has been more difficult than ever for us. But still we offer our thanks for the many blessings that we do have.

There seems to be hope on the horizon but the hopeful look toward a brighter tomorrow should not turn our attention away from examining the past year in order to glean some valuable lessons. Doing so helps us shape our future priorities as we look ahead and begin to declare our “resolutions” going forward.

One of the resolutions that we have made as a foundation is to continue on with an initiative we started many years ago and feel that now, more than ever, is the time to revive it. We created a grant program “to honor and keep alive a heritage of thanks and giving” that our CEO, Enid Borden, established both as a memorial and a promise kept to her father (and later to her mother). She established The Jack and Eleanor Borden Kosher Meal Fund to enable those seniors in need of kosher meals to get them. In a very small way this Fund is meant to build on or establish such a program for seniors at organizations providing meals for their community’s older citizens. These organizations can be food banks, senior centers, meals on wheels programs, and the like.

We invite you to learn more about the Fund’s beginning and the purpose it continues to honor and support by listening to the story not only of how and when it came to be, but also about why it is still so vitally important today. Once you have, we believe you’ll understand why we decided to reestablish it now. In these hard times we know just how important it is to remember all those who are not as fortunate as we and to do something to alleviate the hardship. Please watch the video above…it will explain the story.

We must never forget the promises we have made and the lives who may depend on our fulfilling them. We are committed to raising monies to continue this grant-making initiative and have already begun that process. The grants are small to begin with but we all know that even a small amount of money can feed hungry seniors during periods of greatest need. Please click to download the (Borden Kosher Meal Fund Grant Application) to submit your request for funding. Questions about the application can be submitted to for response.