What a Waste
What A Waste is an innovative, technology-driven solution developed by the National Foundation to End Senior Hunger (NFESH) specifically for State Units on Aging, Area Agencies on Aging and congregate nutrition programs to expand nutrition services to those most vulnerable seniors in community settings. This project helps congregate nutrition programs save money by cutting down on avoidable food waste, improve operations, engage seniors, explore different nutrition options, and explore environmentally sustainable solutions for reducing avoidable and repurposing or positively utilizing unavoidable food waste.
Besides the teaching and expert consulting that comes with What A Waste, it is important that users are equipped with the proper tools to measure and reduce food waste. NFESH built a customizable, easy-to-use, web-based software called the Waste Terminator that makes data entry and reporting from food waste audits significantly easier to accomplish than ever before. NFESH also built a simple, computerized reservation system called ReZerv for clients who do not have a reservation system.
Contact NFESH to learn more about how What A Waste can help your state, Area Agency on Aging or senior center to optimize the precious resources you have to serve more seniors in need!